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We at Missio Scotland are well aware of our fundamental duty as missionaries, which is to spread the Gospel's principles through prayer. It makes no sense to discuss the missions without acknowledging our relationship with the Lord.
Pope Francis has emphasised repeatedly that the Church is not simply another Non Governmental Organisation. Our closeness to the Lord, which is strengthened by prayer, distinguishes us from other aid organisations.
We pray for our work, our numerous sponsors, our families, and the people who support us and ask us to pray for them in their letters. We also pray for the missions we support.
Please give one of the prayers below a moment of your time.

Prayer for Seminarians
We praise you, merciful Father, for sending your Son into the world to free us from sin and enrich us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. To continue His mission He sent His apostles, the bearers of his love, to proclaim the Gospel to all peoples and offer believers new life through Baptism and the Eucharist. Look kindly, Lord, on the men who train for the priesthood, especially in the mission churches. Inspire them with perseverance and courage so that they may reach their goal of ordination and continue the work of the apostles in today’s world.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer for Missionaries
We adore you, Jesus our Shepherd and Saviour. And we praise and thank you for your living among us. We ask you to walk beside your missionaries as they seek to proclaim your Gospel. Cherish, guide, and strengthen them; help them to be patient when they meet frustrations, and encourage them when they are disappointed. Lead them, we beseech you, along the path you desire for them. For you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever.
Mary, Queen of Apostles, pray for us
St Joseph, pray for us
St Teresa of the Child Jesus, pray for us
St Francis Xavier, pray for us
Prayer for Evangelisation
Lord you call us to witness to you in this world. Help us to walk with you on the way of the beatitudes;
give us strength, courage, perseverance and hope, and fill our hearts and minds wit the conviction that you are present with us. Help us to reach out to
the men and women of our time; open our hearts and communities to the needy, the afflicted, the oppressed, so that we may share the joy of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Mary, Queen of Apostles, pray for us
St Joseph, pray for us
St Teresa of the Child Jesus, pray for us
St Francis Xavier, pray for us
Missionary Children Prayer
May all children
In the world
Share love
Share friendship
In the peace
Of God’s love
Now and forever

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