Gerard Gough
AFTER a year interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, Missio Scotland’s Christmas Artwork Competition made a triumphant return with winners from each of Scotland’s eight dioceses bringing the story of the Birth of Jesus to life with great vibrancy.
The popular annual contest encourages Catholic primary schoolchildren, from all over Scotland, to submit their artistic depictions of people and events associated with Christmas such as: The Nativity; the Magi; the shepherds; Mary with the Baby Jesus; the Holy Family; the new-born Jesus in the manger; and the Angel Gabriel. As always, the response to the 2021 Christmas Artwork Competition and the quality of entries were fantastic, with the artworks impressing the Missio Scotland staff, who had the unfortunate job of choosing the winning entries! However, after much deliberation they managed to settle on eight worth winners.
First up is Luca Di Candia, a Primary 6 pupil at St Joseph's Primary School in Inverness whose beautiful depiction of Baby Jesus in the manger was the winning entry for Aberdeen Diocese. Nevilis Balcius, a Primary 7 pupil from St Francis Primary School in Dundee sent us in a wonderfully artistic depiction of the Magi, which was the top design in the Dunkeld Diocese category. An Angelic depiction from Lucy Dickson, a Primary 1 pupil at St Joseph's Primary School in Busby was the winning design in Paisley Diocese. Daisy Anderson, a Primary 4 pupil from St Andrew's Primary School in Gorebridge wowed us with an excellent aerial artwork of the Baby Jesus, the praying hands of Mary and Joseph and some of the animals, and, as a result, was the winner in the St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese section. A lovely, serene depiction of the Holy Family saw Tilda Jackson, a Primary 3 pupil from St Xavier's Primary School in Patna bag the top prize in Galloway Diocese. Three smiling shepherds, in what was fantastic piece of art from Ava McKerron, a Primary 5 pupil from St Columba's Primary School in Oban, was a worthy winner in the Argyll and the Isles category. A poignant drawing of the Magi handing over their gifts to Baby Jesus saw Lilly Burns, a Primary 6 pupil at St Monica's Primary School Coatbridge was the pick of the bunch from Motherwell Diocese. Rounding off our 2021 winners was a sublime artwork from Erin Lough, a Primary 6 pupil at Our Lady of the Missions Primary School in Thornliebank, who placed her drawing of the shepherds visiting the Baby Jesus inside a snow globe and took the top prize in Glasgow Archdiocese.
In addition to the winners receiving a prize for their efforts, all the entries have been featured on Missio Scotland’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts prior to the Christmas break, as well as being displayed in their respective diocesan cathedrals. The winning designs for 2021 will, as usual, be converted into Missio Scotland's 2022 Christmas cards and will be available for sale next year via our online shop: http://www.missioscotland.com/shop
“The response from the schools has been amazing and it was very difficult to judge because the quality of the entries was so good,” Fr Vincent Lockhart, Missio Scotland’s National Director, said. “It was wonderful that all the children were doing it all together throughout the country and hopefully it will have helped them to connect more to our faith celebration.”
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