CARING pupils at St Denis’ Primary School in Dennistoun recently presented Missio Scotland (above) with a cheque for £383 as a result of their Lenten fundraising efforts.
Each year, during Lent, the Glasgow school’s Pastoral Care group help to organise events that take place every Friday during the six weeks of Lent. They decide on two charities that they are going to fundraise for, and this year they chose Missio Scotland as one of the beneficiaries.
The group created posters advertising the events each week and asked the pupils to bring in 50p to participate or a tin for the local foodbank. This year the events ranged from: a crazy hair day; bingo, a onesie/pyjama Day; an inside out day; a non-uniform day; a cake and candy stall; and an Easter raffle.
“The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in all the activities and knew that their money would be going to our charities and helping people who need it,” teacher Mhairi McConville said.
“The pupils at St Denis’ Primary are always thinking about how they can help others in need and they have been magnificent in their participation in all the fundraising events during Lent,” headteacher Louise Mackie added. “They have raised a fantastic amount of money for Missio.”
The fantastic amount raised by St Denis' will go to the Missionary Children branch of the PMS, the Church's Mission Charity for children. In Scotland, it works in tandem with Catholic Primary Schools and asks children to do two things every day: Pray for the children in mission areas of the world and donate a small coin. Missionary Children joins with children all over the world to help some of the poorest children in the world, children of all faiths or none and also seeks to develop young people and prepare them as the missionaries of the future. Its funds help to: Build clinics, supply medicines and nutritional help, support education projects for children (building, funding and supplying schools). The donations help to develop a child both in an educational and spiritual sense.
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