SISTER Stacey Cameron from Missio Scotland was the grateful recipient of a cheque for the charity from St Mary’s Primary School in Coatbridge recently.
The school had chosen Missio Scotland as one of its Lenten charities and raised funds during that time in a variety of ways, which included: a school fun day and bring and buy sale; a school quiz and crazy hair day; and a school talent show.
As a result, the children were able to present Sr Stacey (above) with a cheque for Missio Scotland for £460 at a recent assembly.
“We are very grateful for the generosity of all of our families who all made such a great contribution to our fundraising during Lent” headteacher Brendan Duffy said. “Our children have a deep understanding of the work of Missio Scotland and we always look forward to seeing the impact of our fundraising efforts.”
The vital funds raised by St Mary’s will go to the Missionary Children branch of the PMS, the Church's Mission Charity for children. In Scotland, it works in tandem with Catholic Primary Schools and asks children to do two things every day: Pray for the children in mission areas of the world and donate a small coin. Missionary Children joins with children all over the world to help some of the poorest children in the world, children of all faiths or none and also seeks to develop young people and prepare them as the missionaries of the future. Its funds help to: Build clinics, supply medicines and nutritional help, support education projects for children (building, funding and supplying schools). The donations help to develop a child both in an educational and spiritual sense.
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