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Gerard Gough
Sep 18, 20246 min read
A universal Church is a beautiful one
A long-standing friendship between Fr Lockhart and Bishop Nkuo led to Missio Scotland being able to support the construction of a new Church

Gerard Gough
Sep 18, 20247 min read
Helping Sister Hedwig heal the wounds of war
Sr Hedwig Vinyo has a desire to spread the Good News in the most trying of circumstances and build connections in the universal Church.

Gerard Gough
Sep 18, 202411 min read
Deliverance, digging wells and a flair for the divine
Fr Bernard Fox, didn’t expect that when he arrived in Cameroon in 1977, he would be delivering something else other than sermons

Gerard Gough
Jun 4, 202411 min read
Faith is now Matthew's focus
The BBC documentary, Priest School, shone a light on the lives of seminarians in the Pontifical Scots College in Rome. The programme,...

Missio Scotland
May 28, 20243 min read
Communion, creativity and tenacity the focus of Pontifical Mission Societies' AGM
"COMMUNION, creativity, and tenacity—essential words, which are relevant for the Church in its permanent state of mission.

Gerard Gough
Jul 11, 20236 min read
God's plan for Patryk led him to the priesthood
Patryk Solik tells us how God's plan for him was to become a priest with a dedication to love and care for his flock

Gerard Gough
May 31, 20237 min read
Faith, friendships and fearlessness
Comboni Sister Mary Thomas aka Helen Johnston aka Sister Tommy to those who know her well, has many stories to tell!

Gerard Gough
May 9, 20233 min read
Pray the Mission Rosary, for Heaven's sake!
A PRIMARY 3 pupil in the Archdiocese of Glasgow was recently able to supply some 1600 pupils in schools in the city’s east end with their...

Gerard Gough
Feb 23, 20237 min read
Shepherding his people with a father's love
“I FOUND that when I came into office, there wasn’t a minor crisis every day, just every other day!” Bishop John joked.

Missio Scotland
Jan 26, 20238 min read
Let your hearts catch fire and move your feet towards World Mission Sunday
For this year’s World Mission Sunday, I have chosen a theme inspired by the story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus.

Gerard Gough
Oct 24, 20223 min read
Celebrating a global family at World Mission Sunday Mass
Gerard Gough A SPECIAL Mass to celebrate World Mission Sunday was held on Sunday October 23 at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh....

Gerard Gough
Oct 4, 20226 min read
Franciscan Sisters putting their Faith into action in Ethiopia
IN OCTOBER 1984, BBC newsreader Michael Buerk’s powerful report on the famine in Ethiopia shone a light on the tragic situation taking...

Gerard Gough
Sep 1, 20228 min read
The love of Christ compels Fr Eugenio
Fr Eugenio's mission has taken him to Sierra Leone, Scotland, the USA and other African countries too. Read all about it in this feature.

Gerard Gough
May 23, 20224 min read
Pauline Jaricot is Beatified
PAULINE Marie Jaricot, the foundress of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith—one of the four Pontifical Mission Societies—was...

Gerard Gough
Apr 28, 20227 min read
Kieran is keen to show Christ to others
The BBC documentary, Priest School, shone a light on the lives of seminarians in the Pontifical Scots College in Rome. The programme,...

Missio Scotland
Jan 18, 202210 min read
Witness the focus for World Mission Sunday 2022
“You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8) DEAR brothers and sisters! These words were spoken by the Risen Jesus to His disciples just before...

Gerard Gough
Jan 6, 20222 min read
Celebrating 400 years of Propaganda Fide
Gerard Gough TODAY, on the solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord, some 400 years ago, Pope Gregory XV (above) founded the Sacred...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20216 min read
Fomenting the Faith in Fiji
WITH the Pope due to attend the COP 26 Conference in Glasgow, it’s perhaps fitting that Missio Scotland’s focus this year falls on Oceania.

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