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Gerard Gough
Sep 18, 20246 min read
A universal Church is a beautiful one
A long-standing friendship between Fr Lockhart and Bishop Nkuo led to Missio Scotland being able to support the construction of a new Church

Gerard Gough
Sep 18, 20247 min read
Helping Sister Hedwig heal the wounds of war
Sr Hedwig Vinyo has a desire to spread the Good News in the most trying of circumstances and build connections in the universal Church.

Gerard Gough
Sep 18, 202411 min read
Deliverance, digging wells and a flair for the divine
Fr Bernard Fox, didn’t expect that when he arrived in Cameroon in 1977, he would be delivering something else other than sermons

Missio Scotland
Nov 7, 20233 min read
Fr John's African Diary... from 1969!
1969 was quite a year! I was 21 and I wrote a diary of my 10-week visit to Africa, which I have just reopened after 54 years!

Gerard Gough
May 31, 20237 min read
Faith, friendships and fearlessness
Comboni Sister Mary Thomas aka Helen Johnston aka Sister Tommy to those who know her well, has many stories to tell!

Gerard Gough
Apr 27, 20232 min read
Missio Scotland congratulates new Vatican appointees
MISSIO Scotland National Director, Fr Vincent Lockhart offered his congratulations to Archbishop Leo Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh

Gerard Gough
Jan 12, 20238 min read
Finding a home in families of faith
Fr Vincent Lockhart has been able to bear witness to the goodness, truth and beauty within the faith family.

Gerard Gough
Oct 24, 20223 min read
Celebrating a global family at World Mission Sunday Mass
Gerard Gough A SPECIAL Mass to celebrate World Mission Sunday was held on Sunday October 23 at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh....

Gerard Gough
Oct 4, 20228 min read
In Ethiopia supporting children and the Church
THROUGHOUT the world, Catholic missionaries often work in the most trying of circumstances and Ethiopia is no different. The country is...

Gerard Gough
Oct 4, 20226 min read
Franciscan Sisters putting their Faith into action in Ethiopia
IN OCTOBER 1984, BBC newsreader Michael Buerk’s powerful report on the famine in Ethiopia shone a light on the tragic situation taking...

Gerard Gough
Sep 1, 20228 min read
The love of Christ compels Fr Eugenio
Fr Eugenio's mission has taken him to Sierra Leone, Scotland, the USA and other African countries too. Read all about it in this feature.

Gerard Gough
Jul 12, 202210 min read
Sister Placida has joy in her heart
Sister Placida McCann has brought joy wherever she has been—be that in the US, Kenya or Rome.

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20214 min read
The umbilical cord
Fr Vincent Lockhart, National Director of Missio Scotland “SUM up Africa for me. What image would you give that would tell me what Africa...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 202111 min read
A priestly life filled with parallels
Gerard Gough AS Mill Hill Missionary Father, John Doran, spoke to me from his current home in Glasgow, I don’t think he’d have been aware...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20214 min read
A determination to reflect kindness shown
AS A sixth-year student at St John Ogilvie High School I was presented with the unique opportunity to take part in a Missio Scotland-led...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20214 min read
Africa has much to teach us and much to give
I CAN still remember when Sr Stella Niwagira arrived in Scotland. I was 18 and just a few months from entering the community in Bellshill...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20214 min read
Faith in action can change lives
IT COMES as a bit of a surprise to think that it has been over a year since we were chosen by our school and Missio Scotland to take part...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20212 min read
Pope sets up emergency fund to support missionary work
Gerard Gough POPE Francis (above) has established an emergency fund in response to the Coronavirus crisis to support ongoing missionary...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20216 min read
Church's strength lies in its unity
Gerard Gough MUCH has been written and spoken about with regard to the decline in numbers and influence of religions throughout the...

Missio Scotland
Sep 29, 20215 min read
Shining example of faith in Lisanjala
Gerard Gough IN MATTHEW’S Gospel, the line: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” is well-known and widely quoted. It could apply in...

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